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Amplify Conversion Rates with Back-in-Stock SMS Alerts
SMS Marketing Best Practices

Amplify Conversion Rates with Back-in-Stock SMS Alerts

Ready to learn how you can move beyond the back-in-stock SMS basics and send your customers on a world-class journey that converts like none other?

July 22, 2022

What You Need To Know To Make Your Back-in-Stock SMS Notifications Engage, Convert, and Delight Customers. 

Back in stock alerts are powerful conversion drivers for online shoppers and brand loyalists. And because SMS supercharges response and open rates to around 98%, back in stock text notifications deliver amazing conversions that help move inventory while delighting customers. 

But not all alerts are equal – in fact, many leave revenue on the table. So how can you embark on moving beyond the back-in-stock SMS basics and send your customers on a world-class journey that converts like none other?


Give consumers a better path to the promised experiences they’re seeking

Mobile devices are our digital daily compasses. Regardless of what we’re doing, we look to our phones to provide context for all of the things we care about and all of the things we should care about. 

In fact, Forrester Research estimates that the average U.S. consumer checks their mobile device up to 200 times per day. More telling, though, is that consumers engage with amazing frequency when alerts come via SMS – often engaging within 90 seconds of receiving a text. When alerts are personal reminders for coveted item availability, they become all the more desirable and actionable.

But simply providing a generic back-in-stock text notification is no longer a world-class experience. Go beyond basics with Back-in-Stock exclusive Voyage SMS features.


Protect your customer experience with Voyage’s Back-in-Stock text automation

Too many consumers have been led astray by back in stock alerts that are out of date, aren’t accurate by the time they click, and lead to a potential customer feeling as if they are just a number in a mass marketing campaign. 

Voyage helps you protect your customer experience with a smarter back-in-stock alert automation strategy.

 Where most back in stock alerts do not account for inventory, Voyage empowers you to send notifications in batches and automatically stop sending alerts when inventory reaches zero again. You sell your inventory without customers walking away disappointed, frustrated, and potentially looking to other channels to make their purchase.


Delight customers with effortless inventory alerts through deep integrations 

Voyage partners and integrates with leading eCommerce platforms – including Shopify, BigCommerce, and Magento – so your robust customer database and catalog seamlessly integrate for personalized alerts. Voyage Back-in-Stock setup takes only three simple steps:


1. 💻 Install a quick snippet of ready-made code for your eCommerce platform. 

With the code successfully installed, the “Text me when available” button will automatically appear on every product page every time a product is out of stock. Automatically prompt your customers to sign up for text alerts for when their coveted product becomes available again.


2. 🎨 Create your message flow. 

Customize your campaign with unique sign up request, confirmation, and Back-in-Stock messaging, using either the pre-populated recommended text or adjusting to fit your brand's style for the campaign. 


3. 👕 Configure your inventory settings for instant catalog updates. 

You can select from two notification rules - notify all customers in a single batch or notify customers in multiple batches.  

We know you are busy managing your inventory levels, so we set smart parameters to ensure you don’t have to manage manual updates on your eCommerce platform or worry that your entire customer list will receive a text blast if inventory is tight.

For batch messaging Voyage helps to dynamically calculate sending in batches based on the amount of inventory available and customizable parameters. With Voyage Back-in-Stock you avoid unnecessarily messaging all your subscribers and creating a bad experience. 

With these three simple steps, Voyage automatically installs a CTA button on your product landing page for customers to subscribe for restock notifications. 


Increase conversion rates with enriched customer journeys

Increase conversion rates by cutting out unnecessary steps in your customer's Back-in-Stock journey. Voyage empowers eCommerce brands to create frictionless buying experiences with dynamic Click-to-Buy links. Make it easier for your customers to buy their newly back in inventory items by directly sending them a checkout link.

Voyage Back-in-Stock isn’t limited to just your eCommerce website. Voyage Keyword campaigns make it easy for your other digital channels and brick-and-mortar locations to offer Back-in-Stock opt-ins. Combine a custom Keyword campaign with Back-in-Stock functionality for product launches or limited edition promotions to ensure online and offline customers can opt-in.  


💎 Discover Lokai’s Back-in-Stock buried treasure and other SMS success stories.  


Start transforming your customer experience today with Voyage Back-in-Stock features. Take the burden off of your customers to check when inventory is updated, and delight them with instant, custom messaging making it easier for them to grab their favorites through text messages before stock runs out. Keep your customers happy and your inventory managed with deep eCommerce integrations with Voyage.


Start building customer lifetime value with Voyage Back-in-Stock today. Click here to get a demo and start your Voyage today.
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